Saturday 31 July 2021

Seat Sandal

DateSaturday, 31st July 2021
SummitsSeat Sandal
StartGrasmere (NY335091)
RouteA clockwise circular route taking in Seat Sandal only. We thought the walk might take us 4:30-5 hours but completed it in 3 hours.
CompanyTim, Rachel, Jo, Andrew, Robin
WeatherThere was a lot of cloud and we got a bit soggy on top.
NotesThere was a very steep scramble on the way up. We have various theories about why it was called Seat Sandal including having to sit on your sandals (!) or it originally being called Seat Saddle.

Monday 24 May 2021

Crinkle Crags & Cold Pike

DateMonday, 24th May 2021
SummitsCrinkle Crags & Cold Pike
StartWrynose Pass(?)
RouteCrinkle Crags then Cold Pike
CompanyTim, Rachel, Jo, Andrew, Robin
WeatherRepeatedly alternating between hot & sunny and cold & damp.
NotesThis was the first walk in a while, due to COVID19. There were lots of scrambles & rocky bits along the top of the crinkles. We had different parts of our lunch, including motivational sweets, on the different crinkles. We all think the crinkles should count as more than 1 Wainwright!