Friday 21 October 2022

Ill Bell

DateFriday, 21st October 2022
SummitsYoke, Ill Bell, Froswick, Troutbeck Tongue
RouteIn the order listed
CompanyTim, Rachel, Jo, Robin
WeatherSunshine and heavy showers, misty at times.
NotesTim's first walk in his new boots which he declard to be alright. To the children's great dismay, they forgot the lunchtime tomatoes.

Thursday 18 August 2022

High Spy

DateThursday, 18th August 2022
SummitsHigh Spy, Maiden Moor & Catbells
StartBorrowdale Youth Hostel
CompanyRachel, Tim, Jo
WeatherMisty and drizzly but thankfully with the wind on our backs when exposed.
NotesWe saw a few abandoned mines on the way up High Spy and explored one of them. Saw almost nobody else until we found a party of 30 on Catbells.

Wednesday 17 August 2022

Great Gable

DateWednesday, 17th August 2022
SummitsGrey Knotts, Brandreth, Base Brown and Green Gable, Great Gable & Kirk Fell
StartBorrowdale Youth Hostel
CompanyRachel, Tim, Jo
NotesInitial plan was for just four of summits but took climbed these six when the legs were still going strong.

Tuesday 16 August 2022

Castle Crag

DateTuesday, 16th August 2022
SummitsCastle Crag
StartBorrowdale Youth Hostel
RouteDirect from the Youth Hostel
CompanyRachel, Tim, Jo
NotesSmallest of the Wainwright's, but still taking an hour because of the steepness. Tim subsequently ran (up only) in 17 minutes and 15 seconds for the "King of the Castle" run from the youth hostel.